Winning attractive projects

Instead of spending a lot of time and effort on new projects, installers can get them directly and free of charge from the SolarApp.

Clicks on the SolarApp banner at the top of your website lead to specific project enquiries at the bottom.

Valuable demands received

This is how it works:

  • Installers receive a solar app that has been created especially for them, which can be easily integrated into their own website.
  • Clients can configure their dream solar system directly from the installer’s website.
  • The resulting demands are available to the installer exclusively as a lead.
Offer options for builders.

Quick selection and prioritisation

SolarApp not only provides promising leads, but also relevant information about the project, such as the most important criteria (price, aesthetics, etc.) and the desired implementation period. This enables installers to quickly identify the projects that are of particular interest to them and to use their valuable resources where it makes the most sense.

Additional free demands

The demand for the online configurator for builders is enormous. Every day, a number of interested builders configure their solar systems on SolarApp. The leads that arise on the general page of are made available to SolarApp partners free of charge.

Discover more features

Offer quickly and securely

No client likes to wait. Those who offer faster have a significantly better chance of winning projects.

Efficient and precise planning

The SolarApp’s sophisticated planning environment makes planning solar energy systems considerably easier.

Comprehensive project management

With SolarApp, error-prone switching between different programs and environments is no longer necessary.

Automate administrative tasks

Today, administrative work means a great deal of effort for installers. SolarApp reduces this effort to a minimum.