Offer quickly and securely

No client likes to wait. Those who offer faster have a significantly better chance of winning projects.

Plan in real time with the client

With the help of SolarApp, projects can be configured and visualised in real time with the client, for example at customer appointments or trade fairs. This way, clients receive tailored reference values for solar systems, costs and yields.

Set your own prices

SolarApp provides a clear project calculation with individually storable surcharges. These can be customised in each project as desired.

Creating offers from leads

Project enquiries automatically appear in the SolarApp partner’s cockpit and can be converted into offers with just one click. The effort involved in the offer phase is reduced by up to 95%. If necessary, all parameters such as dimensions, configuration or system selection can be customised.

Developers receive SolarReport

After configuring their solar energy system, builders automatically receive the SolarReport free of charge. This clearly laid out document shows all the results of the configuration in detail: systems, yields, compensation, target prices, etc. and replaces the costly initial consultation.

Uncomplicated and fast variants

SolarApp creates individual variants with just a few clicks (e.g. a comparative offer for rooftop versus roof-integrated systems): the offer can be copied and modified as required.

Our own products

It is possible to include the solar power partner’s own products (e.g. inverters) and services in the offers. Empty fields can be created in the offer form and the product descriptions inserted.

Discover more features

Winning attractive projects

Instead of spending a lot of time and effort on new projects, installers can get them directly and free of charge from the SolarApp.

Efficient and precise planning

The SolarApp’s sophisticated planning environment makes planning solar energy systems considerably easier.

Comprehensive project management

With SolarApp, error-prone switching between different programs and environments is no longer necessary.

Automate administrative tasks

Today, administrative work means a great deal of effort for installers. SolarApp reduces this effort to a minimum.